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Newsletter December 2023


Taking Action Against Stigma and Discrimination

Associated with Dementia

Happy holidays from the Flipping Stigma team!

The past few months have been filled with lots of work promoting the Action Group Guide and the Toolkit, through conference presentations, conversations with researchers and primary care providers, and at the Alzheimer Society of BC webinars.

The Action Group has decided to continue their work as a team and is currently meeting monthly to discuss how to work in partnership with the Centre for Research on Personhood in Dementia.



The Flipping Stigma store is now live!

Find t-shirts and hoodies here. All funds raised through the store will be put towards continuing the work of the Action Group through the Centre for Research on Personhood in Dementia.

These products could make a great gift for a friend or family member!



Flipping Dementia Stigma: An Action Group’s Guide serves as both a memento of the Action Group’s shared time and work for the Flipping Stigma project and as a helpful resource for anyone who is interested in being part of a research team that includes people with lived experience of dementia.

If you are interested in having a physical version of the Guide, please email We would be happy to send you a Guide – you will just be responsible for paying the cost of shipping.



Many team members have recently presented at several conference events.

The Canadian Association on Gerontology Conference in Toronto

Lynn, Mariko, and Paulina did a presentation about how the Toolkit is an educational resource. Jim presented about the Action Group Guide. Deb, Karen, and Granville shared a poster about "Exploring the experiences of stigma amongst Chinese Canadians living with dementia".

Deb, Mariko, and Jim shared a poster about Participatory Action Research (PAR) in Dementia-Related Research: A Critical Discourse Analysis.


The Putting Patients First Conference
in Vancouver

Mariko, Lynn, and Granville prepared a presentation about the Action Group Guide.


The Aging Better Together:
Collaborating to Improve Outcomes Across
British Columbia Symposium at UBC

Paulina and Myrna shared a poster about the Action Group Guide.

*all posters were designed by Sam Pineda



Several Action Group members were involved in the steering committee for the Flipping Stigma in Primary Care Forum in November. This Forum was made possible through a CIHR Planning and Dissemination Grant.

This online, national forum brought together people from across Canada with lived experience of dementia, care partners, primary care providers, people representing organizations that are involved in dementia-related education, and researchers.

Please take a few minutes to watch the video below made specially for the forum, with audio clips from Action Group meetings that speak directly to dementia-related stigma within the primary care context.

In the coming months, the research team will produce a final report, commenting on what was discussed at the forum and how the different perspectives contributed to the identification of next steps for this work.

There is a plan to continue this work in a larger research project – to be proposed in spring 2024.

Stay tuned for updates on this!


4-part webinar series
with the Alzheimer Society of British Columbia

The Flipping Stigma Team has partnered with the Alzheimer Society of BC to share information about the Toolkit in a 4-part webinar series!

Find more information about the webinars here. This page will be updated as more details are finalized about future webinars.

The first webinar, featuring Jim and Mariko, was on June 7th. Watch the recording of the webinar here.

The second webinar, featuring Lynn and Myrna, was on September 20th. Watch the recording of the webinar here.

The third webinar, featuring Jim, was on November 22nd. The recording will be available shortly on this site.

The fourth and final webinar will be on Wednesday, February 21st from 2:00pm – 3:00pm on Zoom. The registration link will be available soon!


Learn more about the toolkit

Download a printable version of this Newsletter below.



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